ICES Biennial Workshop VII
1-4 October 2024
Geneva, Switzerland
Tuesday, 1 October 2024
21:00-22:00 | Biosphere Restoration Plan update - Bru Pearce, Chairman of Envisionation (UK) |
Cooling the Earth with Nature - Rob de Laet, Co-founder of Senang Eco Services |
Wednesday, 2 October 2024
08:30-09:00 | Introduction - Dr. Bob Bishop, President & Founder, ICES Foundation |
09:00-12:30 | PLANETARY HEALTH |
Chair: Prof. Peter Head - Chair Trustees, The Ecological Sequestration Trust; Visiting Prof. Univ. of Bristol; UNDRR GAR Advisory Board; ICES Expert | |
Planetary Health Commission report, findings and recommendations; lessons learned and new research - Sir Andy Haines - 2022 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement | |
Earthquakes: load, potency - Dr. Michel Speiser - ICES Chief Data Scientist; former IBM Research - and Dr. Stavros Tolis - Associate Researcher, ICES Foundation | |
Environs/Ecologies/ARES - Prof. Dr. Meredith Schuman - UZH (Geography and Chemistry) | |
Wildfire risks - Dr. Robert Muir-Wood - Chief Research Officer, Insurance Solutions, Moody’s | |
Panel discussion - Systems thinking | |
14:00-16:30 | OCEAN HEALTH |
Chair: Dr. Marie-Christine Sawley - Advisor HPC/Exascale ICES; former Director Exascale Lab Intel; former CMS CERN; former Director CSCS; member of the SATW | |
The oversize role of the ocean in climate change - Prof. Antonio Navarra - President, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC); Univ of Bologna (Meteorology and Climatology); former NCAR, INGV, CNR | |
Panel 1: Future of ocean modelling | |
The future of ocean modelling - Dr. Hindumathi Palanisamy - Scientific Officer, WCRP (CLIVAR), WMO | |
Ocean modelling challenges & perspectives - Dr. Guillaume Samson - Oceanographer, Mercator Ocean | |
The ocean at extremis: ocean extremes as a threat to ocean health - Prof. Dr. Nicolas Gruber - ETH Zürich (Environmental Systems Science): ocean biochemistry | |
Panel 2: Coastal water report | |
(African) lagoons; scientific and societal challenges - Dr. Yves Morel - Director of Research, LEGOS, CNRS: ocean & coastal lagunas | |
Coastal resilience: where society meets the ocean - Cecilia Bittoni - Program Mgr, Decade Collab. Centre for Coastal Resilience, U Bologna | |
17:00-18:00 | OCEAN GEOPOLITICS |
Chair: Dr. William Westermeyer - ICES Advisor for Policy; former OTA, GCOS/WMO | |
Ocean governance & ocean geopolitics - Att. Dr. Dr. Virginie Tassin Campanella - Founder & MD, VTA Tassin: ocean governance | |
Ocean geopolitics - impact of new science and technology - Hermen Westerbeeke - Director, Responsible Alpha: impact of new sciences | |
Resolution of conflicts within ocean geopolitics - Dr. David Lawson JD - Officer ICES; Bonnard Lawson; former Exxon, US Navy: conflicts ahead, South China Sea | |
21:00-22:00 | Making ecocide an international crime - Jojo Mehta, Co-founder and CEO of Stop Ecocide International |
Thursday, 3 October 2024
08:30-09:00 | Introduction - Dr. Bob Bishop, President & Founder, ICES Foundation |
09:00-12:30 | HUMAN WELL-BEING |
Chair: Hon. Dr. Michael Armitage MD - former Advisor, Qatar Minister Public Health; former CEO AHIA; former South Australia Minister of Health / Information Economy | |
Building the Virtual Human Twin - Prof. Liesbet Geris - Executive Director of the Virtual Physiological Human Institute | |
European Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics - Prof. Dr. Petra Ritter - Director, Brain Simulation, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin | |
Insight on the Ethical Considerations of Digital Twining: the OPTOMICS Case - Anne Demoisy - Director of Rhizome s.a. Ethics and Technology | |
Medical Informatics and AI - the Future of Healthcare - Prof. Michael Krauthammer - Chair of Medical Informatics, University Hospital of Zürich and the University of Zürich | |
Responding to the Climate Impacts on Human Health in Europe - Dr. Aleksandra Kazmierczak - Coordinator, European Climate and Health Observatory, European Environment Agency | |
14:00-21:00 | Networking afternoon (ferry trip) |
Friday, 4 October 2024
08:30-09:00 | Introduction - Dr. Bob Bishop, President & Founder, ICES Foundation |
09:00-12:30 | CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY 1 |
Future Paths in Energy | |
Chair: Prof. Daniel Favrat - Prof. Emeritus EPFL; member of SATW and the French Academy of Technologies; former Esso Canada; former CERAC (Centre Européen de Recherche Atlas Copco) | |
Natural hydrogen - Dr. Isabelle Moretti - French Academy of Technologies; former scientific director of Engie; Researcher, University of Pau & Pays de l'Adour | |
Solid oxide fuel cells - Dr. Jan van Herle - Senior Scientist (MER), EPFL Valais; Co-founder of HT Ceramix | |
Nuclear fusion: status and outlook - Prof. Laurent Villard - Professor, Swiss Plasma Center, EPFL | |
Progress in Climate Change | |
Chairs: Prof. Jagadish Shukla - Founding Professor, Climate Dynamics GMU; Founder of COLA - and Dr. Michel Speiser - ICES Chief Data Scientist; former IBM Research | |
Hybrid physics-based/AI models for weather and climate prediction (video) - Prof. Tim Palmer - IMO Prize 2024; CBE FRS; Royal Society Research Professor, U of Oxford | |
The AI revolution in weather and climate: where do we stand? (video) - Dr. Ilaria Luise - Senior Research Fellow, CERN; Co-PI, EMP2 | |
Towards a foundation model for the climate system: Mind the gap! - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schemm - Professor, ETH Zürich (Environmental Systems Science) | |
Progress in AI | |
Chair: Dr. Michel Speiser - ICES Chief Data Scientist; former IBM Research | |
Causal discovery for extreme events - Dr. Nicola Gnecco - Researcher, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit | |
Causal machine learning - Dr. Julius von Kügelgen - Researcher, Seminar for Statistics, ETH Zürich and ETH AI Center | |
13:45-16:00 | CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY 2 |
Chair: Dr. Marie-Christine Sawley - Advisor HPC/Exascale ICES; former Director Exascale Lab Intel; former CMS CERN; former Director CSCS; member of the SATW | |
Demo of CSX (Collaboration Spotting X) software - Dr. Jean-Marie Le Goff - Co-CEO of Dtangle; President, IDE4 association; former Physicist, CERN | |
Panel 1: New computing architectures for AI | |
Wafer-scale architecture for strong-scaling AI and HPC - Dr. Jean-Phillipe Fricker - Co-founder & Chief System Architect, Cerebras Systems | |
Accelerated computing is energy efficient computing - Dr. Peter Messmer - Senior Manager, HPC Developer Technology group, NVIDIA | |
New computing architecture for AI - the European ecosystem - Prof. Andrea Bartolini - Univ. of Bologna (Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering) | |
Panel 2: Challenges for HPC in an AI-dominated world | |
Slides - Dr. Per Öster - Director, Advanced Computing Facility, CSC Sweden | |
Slides - Dr. Sadaf Alam - Director of Advanced Computing Strategy, U of Bristol; Isambard-AI project | |
Slides - Dr. Jean-Philippe Nominé - CEA Fellow, HPC Strategic Collab. Mgr; ETP4HPC; past president of RIAG | |
16:30-17:00 | Navigating in an uncertain world - Dr. Bob Bishop, President & Founder, ICES Foundation |
17:00-17:30 | Integrative modelling futures - Mike Horner - ICES Advisor Integrated Models; member of ANPA Alternative Natural Philosophy Association; former software director, DEC |